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8868体育官网下载-双语科技百科(天文) 第3期:《甘石星经》

The Gan,shi Classic of the Con,stellation《甘石星经》The Chinese people have paid great attention to astronomical phenome-na since very early times. Meteor showers and solar eclipses which oc-curred as far back as in the Xia Dynasty(2070BC~1600B

本文摘要:The Gan,shi Classic of the Con,stellation《甘石星经》The Chinese people have paid great attention to astronomical phenome-na since very early times. Meteor showers and solar eclipses which oc-curred as far back as in the Xia Dynasty(2070BC~1600B


The Gan,shi Classic of the Con,stellation《甘石星经》The Chinese people have paid great attention to astronomical phenome-na since very early times. Meteor showers and solar eclipses which oc-curred as far back as in the Xia Dynasty(2070BC~1600BC) are recorded in ancient books, and are thought to be the earliest astronomical accounts in the world. By the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, astronomy had reached quite a high level of sophistication. Astronomers of the State of Lu obseNed 37 solar eclipl ses, among which 33 have been proved accurate. The earliest record of an ap-pearance by Halleys Comet (613 BC) is contained in the chronicle of Lu known as The Spring and Autumn, Annals .中国人很早已留意仔细观察天象。古书上关于夏朝(前2070年~前1600年)时流星雨和日食的记述,是世界天文史上最先的记录。春秋战国时期,天文学已获得了非常低的成就。

鲁国的天文学家在对天象的观测中,观测到37次日取食,其中33次被证明是可信的。哈雷彗星早于在公元前613年鲁国的史书《春秋》就有记述,这是世界上关于哈雷彗星的最先的记录。During this period there appeared specialized works on astronomy.Based on their long-time observa-tion of the celestial phenomena, Gon De of the State of Chu wrote a work titled Astron,omy an,d Astrology in eight volumes, and Shi Shen of the State of Wei wrote his As-tronomy, also in eight volumes. The two works were combined later generations as The Gan,shi Classic of the Con,stellation,s.The earliest astronomical work extant in the world.这世纪末还经常出现了天文学专著。

在长年观测天象的基础上,楚国人甘德著《天文星占到》八卷,魏国人石齐编写《天文》八卷,后人将它们自成一部,称之为《甘石星经》,这是世界上现存最先的天文学著作。It recorded the motions of Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn,and the rules dictating their appearances.It also recorded the names of 800 stars,of which the positions of 121 have been pinpointed.Gon De discovered Jupiter s moon with the naked eye, 2,000 years earlier than the Italian astronomer Galileo,who discovered it with an astronomical telescope in 1609. Shi Shen discovered the reason for solar and lunar eclipses. A crater on the moon has been named after Shi Shen.书中记录了水、木、金、火、土五大行星的运营情况以及它们的捕食规律。




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